Monday, January 25, 2021

Motivational Monday

 Good Morning Class of 2024, 

We want to thank you all for getting off to a strong start this trimester!  Below are some highlights to motivate you to keep attending classes and working hard! 

  1. 95% Daily School Attendance!
  2. 85% of you are passing all of your classes!  
  3. Highest number of students attending study club!
KEEP UP THE HARD WORK!  We are proud of your progress!

If you want to increase your grades, below are ways to get extra help at City High:  
  1. Attend Virtual Study Club - Tuesdays/Thursdays from 3:45pm - 5:00pm
  2. Get help from your teachers on Mondays.  Email them to schedule an appointment. 
Mrs. Platt and your Teachers.